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Kubernetes: node-shell

·614 words·3 mins
Kubernetes DevOps Containers

While working with Kubernetes, it might happens that you would like to SSH into a node to investigate the underlying infrastructure. For example, you might want to look into the running processes or read from the local file system.

SSH access to the underlying Kubernetes nodes is not always available when Kubernetes is managed by a cloud provider. Alternatively if Kubernetes nodes are emulated by Docker containers (eg. when using Kind or K3d on your laptop) you might use the command docker exec to open a shell into the Kubernetes nodes.

There is a better alternative, and it works for either of those cases.

Discover node-shell, a plugin for kubectl that allow to run a privileged pod on Kubernetes to access the node resources.

How to install

Node-shell can be installed using krew a plugin manager for kubectl command line tool.

  1. Install kubectl if not available already
  2. Install krew if not available already
  3. Install node-shell
kubectl krew index add kvaps
kubectl krew install kvaps/node-shell


Once node-shell is installed, you can open a shell to any node of your cluster with the following command:

kubectl node-shell <node_name>

If you, like me, prefer to open a shell to any Kubernetes node, you can use instead:

NODE_NAME=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "worker" | head -n 1)
kubectl node-shell $NODE_NAME

Under the hood

Node-shell is nothing more than a bash script called kubectl-node_shell stored under ~/.krew/bin.

Here the file name of this script is relevant, since kubectl assume that all the script named kubectl-<plugin> with no file extension are kubectl plugins. The folder, where this script is located, instead is not relevant as long as that folder is added to the PATH environment variable in your Linux/MacOs laptop.

Under the hood, node-shell build a K8s manifest similar to the one provide below. Here some details has been omitted for brevity.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  - command:
    - nsenter
    - --target
    - "1"
    - --mount
    - --uts
    - --ipc
    - --net
    - --pid
    - --
    - bash
    - -l
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: nsenter
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 256Mi
      privileged: true

A couple of things to notice:

  • nsenter command documentation is available at doc.
  • nsenter target the PID 1 (from the param --target "1"), enter some of available namespaces (params: --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid) of that process, and run the script bash -l
  • is the container image used. You can change this image in the node-shell script if you have a better alternative, as long as that image provide the bash shell used by the command nsenter
  • in order to enter those namespaces, it needs to run in privileged mode by chaing the securityContext.privileged field.

Knowing what’s happening internally in this script and what the Kubernetes manifest generate looks like, could allow you to create more sophisticated manifest that use a custom container image or enter other container namespaces, or use a different shell.

Personal note

I have used node-shell many times to investigate issues with the Kubernetes integration for Elastic.

The Kubernetes integration has a data stream called container_logs, that is used by Elastic-agent to ingest container logs into Elasticsearch.

To achieve that, elastic-agent mounts the path /var/log from the node file system to its container file system. Then it tails the files under /var/log/containers/*.log that are created by Kubernetes with the /dev/stdout (standard output) of each container.

If you want to read the raw logs created by Kubernetes, before they are ingested by Elastic agent, you can use node-shell to open a shell into a Kubernetes node and investigate its file system.


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